Privacy Policy


Section 1 – Introduction: This PRIVACY POLICY applies to our

AI Profits Bots respects its users’ need for privacy, we prioritise the protection and careful handling of your personal data. This policy provides a detailed overview of our approach to data privacy, how we collect, use, and protect your data, and how you can act upon it.

Section 2 – Personal Information Collection: We collect a series of personal information which may include identifiers such as your name, email address, phone number, browsing and purchasing behaviour, and in some cases, payment details. We use this information solely to improve the user experience and deliver relevant products and services tailored to you, in accordance with your consent.

Section 3 – Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

  • Contractual Necessity:We process personal data as it is necessary for the performance of a contract with our users. This covers scenarios such as purchasing our online educational programmes or before entering into any specific agreement.
  • Consent: We rely on explicit consent as a legal basis for data processing involving marketing communications. It highlights that your consent is freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous, and it can be withdrawn at your discretion.

Section 4 – Cookies & Tracking: Our website uses cookies to enhance the user experience, track browsing preferences, and deliver personalised content recommendations. We also use tracking software such as Google Analytics and third-party vendors. User interactions occur at the user’s discretion, maintaining complete control over how their browsing data is used.

Section 5 – Communication Policy: Users contacting this website or its owners do so at their discretion. Your personal information is kept securely stored until it’s no longer required or has any use. Our platform uses a secure form-to-email submission process, protecting the data you choose to share with us.

Section 6 – Email Newsletter & Marketing Insights: We operate an email newsletter program to offer regular insights about our product developments, industry trends, and specifically tailored offerings. The subscription process is compliant with relevant spam laws, and subscribers can opt-out at any time through an automated system.

Section 7 – External Links & Advertisements: Our website may sometimes include external links and adverts. Please note, clicking on these links or adverts will make you leave our website, and we do not have control over the content provided on these third-party websites. We encourage users to review their privacy policies before divulging any information.

Section 8 – Social Media Usage: Our website includes social sharing buttons to facilitate the easy sharing of content directly from our web pages to various social media platforms. Users are advised to use these buttons cautiously and ensure they understand that the social media platform may track and save your request.

Section 9 – Data Retention & Security: We retain personal data for a duration in alignment with contractual necessity and specific legal retention periods. We implement several security measures to ensure that your personal data is stored safely. However, the transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site.

Section 10 – Changes to this Privacy Policy: The policy may be updated periodically to align with new data privacy practices or statutes. Users are encouraged to visit this page occasionally to stay updated about the modifications in our privacy policy.

Section 11 – Contact us: Any concerns, inquiries, or requests related to this policy are welcome and can be addressed directly to our data protection officer at: